Welcome to
Emanuel Temple COGIC
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Corona Virus (COVID-19) Alabama Update
The Church Where Everybody Is She Is He Is Youth Are We Are Somebody,
but god is supreme!
Pastoral Greetings
To God be the glory, from whom all blessings flow.
It is my most humble prayer that each member and family of Emanuel Temple Church would be blessed of the Lord. It gives me the greatest pleasure to greet you all once again and to commend you for your faithfulness to God and the church. For as you know, if you are faithful to God, He will be faithful to you. So do all in your power to please the Lord, and keep in mind, if you’re good and obedient unto God, you’ll eat the good of the land. Let’s be faithful to God in attendance of the Tuesday, Friday, and Sunday night services and to the auxiliary of your choice.
Bishop Oscar L. Meadows
Senior Pastor

If you don't save anything else, save your soul!
Bishop O. L. Meadows
Emanuel temple cogic
Youth Department Statement
The Youth Department of Emanuel Temple Church of God in Christ believe that every child/youth is destined for greatness. Therefore, we as youth leaders are committed to – and – intentional in preparation and training our present and future followers of Christ.
We proclaim God over everything. We charge our young people to declare and decree: “I AM WHO GOD SAYS I AM!”
Mission Statement:
Edifying the people of God through song
“O sing unto the Lord a new song: sing unto the Lord, all the earth.” – Psalms 96:1 KJV
Director of Music: Deacon Jimmie Johnson
Praise & Worship Leader: Mssy Susan Harris
Choir President: Mssy Vivian Johnson
Male Chorus President: Dea Percy Stephens
Youth Choir President: Sis Karen Davis
Choir Rehearsals: Thursday’s 6:30 PM
Male Chorus: Every other Tuesday 6:30 PM
Youth Choir: 1st/2nd Wednesdays 6:30 PM
To increase the opportunities for individuals, particularly those with limited access to personal transportation, to regularly attend church.
The Transportation Ministry provides service for individuals who would like to attend Sunday worship services. Ministry volunteers also frequently provide transportation for youth ministry, choir members, sick and shut in visitations, and speaking engagements with the Pastor.
“And the lord said unto the servant, Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled.” Luke 14:23
The Media Ministry provides products and services to help market the church in a way that draws people not only to the church but to the Kingdom. The Media Ministry has responsibilities for audio/video, live camera feeds, PowerPoint, photography, graphics and print products and social networking. The ministry develops and maintains the branding/identity for the church and helps promote ministry efforts and activities through creative marketing and the news media. The ministry also helps provide information for electronic distribution, overseeing and ensuring an informative church web site and providing engaging content for social networking sites. Contact us @[email protected]
Our Location & Service Times
Morning Service – 8:00am
Sunday School – 9:30am
Noonday Worship – 11:15am
Prayer – 6:00pm
Bible Study – 7:00pm
Youth Bible Study & Activities (FLC)
Choir Rehearsal – 6:30pm